FREE Keep-in-touch Plan

Struggling to keep a steady flow of new business?

Practice these proven, low-cost strategies to keep in touch with your clients, prospects & referral partners.

(Download FREE Guide below)

You know you need to do it but time and resources may be keeping you from implementing the marketing strategies that will take your business and your income to the next level. What if you could spend just 30 minutes per day and immediately have a working, digital marketing and keep in touch program that will keep leads coming in and cost you virtually nothing?


Yes, you could spend a bundle of money on fancy software or a marketing firm to do it all for you OR you could spend just 30 minutes a day following my program to market to and keep in touch with your network of clients and referral partners to keep them coming back.

Don’t have a chunk of change to drop? Well, if you are ready to roll up your sleeves and spend 30 minutes a day to take control of your own marketing download my FREE Guide and put into motion a proven, virtually free digital marketing and keep in touch program.


The Guide includes:

~Step-by-step checklist that will lead you in creating an effective, sustainable, digital keep-in-touch plan

~A marketing strategy designed for small businesses

~A sustainable marketing program that works and that you can maintain

I have been helping women entrepreneurs and small business owners build their businesses and market their services for over 15 years. I have worked with companies large and small and learned over time what works and what doesn’t. My experience along with my passion for helping women succeed in business has inspired me to create this program and give it away to you.

Next steps? Enter your name and email address and we’ll rush your FREE plan to your Inbox!

