Doing Business Like a Woman Podcast

Doing Business Like a Woman Podcast

Hosted by: Melissa Kellogg Lueck

The Doing Business Like a Woman podcast is for women in any stage of building their own business - whether you're just getting started or are a seasoned pro - that wants to make more money and have a greater impact...

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047. What's Missing from Most Marketing Strategy that's Holding Us Back

A few years back, I created an online course, spent thousands to launch it multiple times, and each time it didn’t sell well. I thought I needed to improve my marketing, do better, spend more, be more in more places,...
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046. What We Need Now is Courage & How to Create It

Recently I returned from a conference in Dallas. It was amazing to be in person with about 500 fellow women entrepreneurs building businesses and making the money! Any time I’m in that kind of environment, I look for...
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045. How to Design Your Client Journey and Why

Can we stop calling it a “funnel?” The picture that always pops into my head when I hear that term used is a toilet flushing…and I DO NOT want to do that to my prospective clients! Gross! So, don’t ask me what’s my...
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044. Exactly How I Created $100k in 12 Months

It’s early Saturday morning, the house is quiet, no one else but my dog Ginger is awake yet and I’m sitting on the couch in my office with her journaling, creating a written record as I quietly celebrate and take full...
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043. Improve your Email Marketing Game with Meredith Goins

Your email list is one of the most valuable assets in your business. So learning how to grow your list, build relationships with, nurture, and serve those on your email list will directly benefit your bottom line. My...
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042. How to Get Great Testimonials Without Begging or Bothering your Clients

Don’t love asking for testimonials? This one’s for you! In this episode of the podcast, I share with you my process for collecting amazing testimonials, getting 100% participation without bothering clients, and...
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041. How to Vacation and Not Freak Out About Your Business

It’s been interesting to watch my mind and the mental gymnastics it’s done while on vacation. Sometimes I find myself really needing time away and wanting a break to rest. But at the same time my brain freaks out and...
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040. Best Business Lessons I Learned from Watching the Avs Journey to the Stanley Cup

Yes, on my podcast I spend much of our time together talking about how women do business, but this week’s episode is a little different. We’re talking about sports and my favorite group of Men, the Stanley Cup...
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039. How Owning Your Story Opens Doors with Michelle Salinas

On the podcast this week my guest is Michelle Salinas, a successful entrepreneur, single mom of 2, one with special needs, and founder of Digital Edge. Her company helps small businesses, especially those run by...
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038. My Hot Tub Story and How to Bring Your Vision to Life

Truthfully, I almost didn’t release this episode because my sh*t-talking inner critic kept saying how silly and irrelevant this story is that I’m telling you on this episode. But then I thought about YOU - and me ;) -...
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037. Step Into Your Feminine Energy to Create What You Most Want w/ Allyson Chavez

My guest this week on the podcast, Allyson Chavez, followed the masculine playbook, grew a hugely successful business and ended up burned out and bankrupt. At her lowest point, she was $150k in debt with a failed...
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036. 12 Brilliant Marketing Topic Ideas

On the podcast this week I’m sharing with you how you can simply become a fountain of valuable content with my 12 Brilliant Marketing Topic Ideas and the couple mindset shifts that go along with them to help you...
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