Doing Business Like a Woman Podcast

Doing Business Like a Woman Podcast

Hosted by: Melissa Kellogg Lueck

The Doing Business Like a Woman podcast is for women in any stage of building their own business - whether you're just getting started or are a seasoned pro - that wants to make more money and have a greater impact...

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071. How to Create More Clients from the Network Around You

In this episode, a special replay of an online training I hosted a couple of weeks back as part of my special Magnify Your Marketing in March event, I walk you through how to build great relationships with your...
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070. How to LOVE Making Offers and Selling

If selling or promoting yourself, your business, your services has ever felt icky or uncomfortable, my latest podcast episode will be one of your favorites. In it I share with you the shift I’ve made in thinking about...
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069. How to Grow Your Pool of Potential Clients

This week I have a very special episode for you! I’m sharing with you one of the best Live online trainings I’ve ever done explaining how to bring new potential clients and connections into your network! Growing your...
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068. How to LOVE Your Way of Marketing

On this week’s podcast I’m going to offer another radical marketing concept...that you can love the way YOU market.  It’s so easy for us to see all the things about our business, our marketing, and ourselves that are...
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067. How to LOVE Consistency in Your Marketing

News Flash…shaming ourselves for not being consistent enough is not going to make us better at consistency or help us attract clients or make more money! So, let’s just stop it! K? In this week’s episode of the...
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066. How to Make Marketing the Way You LOVE Your Audience

The best marketing is simply…Loving-on all the people in our sphere, being ourselves, serving our audience (which is simply our group of clients that just haven’t paid us yet), offering them value and helping them to...
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065. How to Create a Successful Online Course with Nancy Giere

If you’ve ever thought about packaging your brilliance into an online course, this week’s podcast is for you! My guest for this episode is Nancy Giere, a long-time corporate trainer turned custom training consultant...
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064. How to Keep Going and Not Give Up on Yourself or Your Goals

How are you feeling about your goals? This can be the time we’re tempted to question, doubt, or even give up!  I see this happen when we haven’t put together a solid plan for the year of how we’re going to create our...
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063. How to Get Started Hiring and Creating Culture with Alicia Miller

If you fantasize about hiring people to help you in your business OR even if you’re petrified of hiring people - like I used to be - but know you’re going to need to get some help in your business if you want to keep...
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062. Goals Part 2 - What I'm Doing Different This Year That's Changing Everything

One of the areas where I want to improve in 2023 is in keeping my goal and my thoughts, energy and actions going in that one direction. Focused! Last year I found myself going off in various directions, trying lots of...
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061. Goals Part 1 - The Mindset Behind Setting Goals that Lift You Higher

And…we’re back! Happy New Year! The podcast returns this week after a holiday break with an all new episode and what better way to start off the year than to talk about the mindset - or collection of thoughts - behind...
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060. Doing Business with Trust & Grace with Betsy Clark

So often it seems much easier to trust what others tell us to do when building our business than to trust our own instincts, make strong decisions, and have our own backs. But if there’s anything Betsy Clark, my guest...
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