Doing Business Like a Woman Podcast

Doing Business Like a Woman Podcast

Hosted by: Melissa Kellogg Lueck

The Doing Business Like a Woman podcast is for women in any stage of building their own business - whether you're just getting started or are a seasoned pro - that wants to make more money and have a greater impact...

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094. How to Create the Emotional Elasticity to Bounce Back

Join me in this episode as we delve into the powerful concept of "emotional elasticity" and its impact on your entrepreneurial journey. Discover how developing this invaluable skill can help you bounce back from...
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093. Marketing ROI and Creating Your Marketing System for Q4

Recently I hosted a livestream Marketing Workshop meant to help you plan out all your Q4 marketing so you can finish the year strong and still achieve your 2023 goal. It turned out to be a masterclass on how to...
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092. Overwhelm and Organization: What to Do When You Are the One Person That Has to Do It All

In this weekā€™s episode of the podcast, Iā€™m talking about how we can face tough times and circumstances and choose to rise to the challenge, calling us higher, calling us to that next higher version of ourselves. I go...
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091. How to Deal with Challenges to Finish Strong

In this weekā€™s episode of the podcast Iā€™m talking about how we can face tough times and circumstances and choose to rise to the challenge, calling us higher, calling us to that next higher version of ourselves. I go...
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090. What I Learned on Vacation

This episode is all about the lessons on business that came to me while on our family summer vacation in the woods, reading a book called Regenerative Business: How to Align Your Business with Nature for More...
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089. How 10X Really is Easier Than 2X

Finally! Iā€™ve recorded a podcast about my new favorite business book, 10x Is Easier than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less, by Dan Sullivan, Dr. Benjamin Hardy. Iā€™ve been telling every...
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088. What I'm Learning About Time

In this episode, Iā€™m reporting back on my latest Time experiment. Most of the women I talk to, myself included, struggle with how to organize our time, especially balancing between work time and non-work time. Often...
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087. How to Collapse Time and Use Your Work Hours Like 'Beyonce'

The issue of time, having enough, and using it the ā€˜rightā€™ way has plagued me my entire entrepreneurial journey. You may not have this same issue; thinking about time is different for different people, but if you ever...
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086. Second Half Momentum and How to Finish Strong

Committing to a goal all the way till the end, till itā€™s achieved, can be the greatest challenge in setting and making goals happen. For me, the middle part is when Iā€™m knee-deep in creating the result, when the...
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085. How to Course Correct and Still Achieve Your Goal for the Year

This episode of the podcast is all about how to squeeze all the best learning out of the first half of the year, turn things around, and then what Iā€™m seeing as the secrets to success from other highly successful...
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084. My Journey to Creating Greater Confidence

I was recently sharing this story with my coach about my personal journey to creating greater confidence as an entrepreneur and she encouraged me to tell it as a living example of what I teach; that our business...
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083. How to Sleep Your Way to Greater Productivity with Tanessa Shears

My guest on this episode is Tanessa Shears, a certified Sleep Science Coach, and health consultant that helps 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs, particularly women, optimize their performance by taking care of themselves....
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