The KISS Method_ Unlocking Simple, Service-focused Marketing for Busy Entrepreneurs
Melissa Kellogg Lueck: [00:00:00] So thank you guys for being here this morning. Hi, Monique. I didn't get to say hi to you. Hello. And it's so great to see you ladies this morning. And we're here to talk about marketing. And we last month kind of talked about this as like a marketing support group. Even though I'm going to be teaching, we're also going to be offering lots of support as well.
So, cause I know. You know, a lot of times what I see is we all know the things we should be doing, but we're not necessarily doing them. And so there's that part of it as well. So so we're going to dive right in. I'm going to share my slides here, share my screen, and we'll get rolling. I'm sharing that one.
Share that. And then I'm going to have this here. Okay. So this is our monthly marketing class. We're going to be talking about simple and effective marketing for busy entrepreneurs. So if you [00:01:00] are a small business owner, a business owner, and you want to be Doing more with your marketing and having more effective marketing, you're in the right place.
And so I'll just introduce myself. If we don't know each other, my name is Melissa Kellogg Lewick. And I am a coach and a teacher. And the founder of the Avanti business Academy for women. I founded my business 19 years ago, almost 20. I have to start getting used to saying almost 20 years ago, it's been about 19 and a half and that happened.
And, and really the foundations of my business came from my time. I lived in New York, got my MBA there. And I unfortunately lived, well, fortunately lived through 9 11 in New York. And I was a recent MBA grad and all of my friends and classmates and I were just out there, you know, making it in the world [00:02:00] and working all the time and and sleeping under our desks and living in these teeny tiny apartments and And I was really having a great time working and growing my career, but not enjoying my life.
And so that living through that, through 9 11 in New York, I really asked myself, if I go to work tomorrow and don't come home, is this how I want my life to end? And the answer was no. So I really, that really began my journey of deciding that I wanted to be able to make a living, do work that I really loved and that really invigorated me, but also have a life.
Right. And so I ended up moving back to Colorado to be closer to my family. I was born and raised here. And so, and that's and starting my business. And so it's what I've been doing. Really marketing is where all my training is. So I help small businesses [00:03:00] market, but I also come at it from a perspective of creating simplicity.
And it's what I've been doing now for 19 and a half years. I'm a CEO And so that's what I love doing with my clients to really help them to make money and leave a legacy, doing what you love. So that's what we're here. That's what we're about. And so today, what I want to cover with you is really talk about what makes great marketing.
And. Having been in the business for 20, over 20 years I have seen a lot of marketing trends come and go. When I first, I always say, tell the story about when I first started marketing, started my career in marketing. We were, the big things were AM radio ads and yellow pages ads and things like that.
And obviously, and that was the big thing, right? And things have changed a lot over the years, but there are consistent fundamentals that I want to teach you because it helps you to start [00:04:00] thinking like a marketer so that whatever tools you decide to use you choose those based on who you are and how you want to be showing up.
But as long as you're doing the fundamentals of marketing, It will always work. So I'm also going to teach, teach you my kiss method of marketing, my keep it simple sister method of marketing. And and then we're going to talk about how to show up as your best self and be confident in your marketing.
And because I think that that's Really what holds a lot of us back is a lot of, we know what we should be doing, but we're not doing it or we are doing it. And we're not feeling confident in having that self concept of, of who we are and the value that we offer in the world. So that is where we're going.
And we're going to have plenty of time for question and answer and discussion. And so if marketing challenges are coming up, As we go along during this, this hour, please jot them down. And I'm [00:05:00] happy to happy to help you out with those as we go. So so, okay. So what makes great marketing? So I work primarily with service based businesses.
And my clients are helpers, right? We are out in the world helping whether we're coaches or consultants or assistants or advisors, we are helping our clients get a result that they want. And so as helpers. Connection, creating connection with your best fit clients is what's going to be the best kind of marketing, right?
It's not about being on the latest platform or doing the latest trend. It's about what helps you to create connection with your best fit clients. Great marketing is also simple for you. And I know this sounds like a very foreign concept to so many people. [00:06:00] Because it's like impossible to imagine that marketing could be simple.
But if you think about the ways that you go out and create connection and meet people and build relationships. What are the ways that you do that that are simple for you? And when we focus on using strategies that are consistent and aligned and simple ways for you to show up, then you end up showing up much more consistently and within an energy that is going to attract clients and business.
And then we always want to be thinking about being constrained in our marketing. We don't have to be everywhere. We so often we think that we've got to be a mile wide and an inch deep. That's not creating connection. So connection is created. in a few places where you can show up consistently. [00:07:00] And so, and this is what makes marketing simple, right?
Because the more of you and your energy and your creativity pointed towards creating value rather than trying to be in all the places, will help your, help your clients, your best fit clients get results. And it will also help them know that you are the right person to work with them. So, and then thinking about where is, where are you showing up in your marketing?
Sorry, I'm stumbling. Where in your marketing is it easiest for you to show up where you can bring your best energy? And when you are feeling connected to yourself and to the, the marketing channel that you're showing up in, you will connect and allow people to connect to you. Right? So when we think about connection is kind of the, the [00:08:00] yardstick.
Where do we feel connected to ourselves and to our people? That's where we want to be showing up. That's where our best energy is for for marketing and creating interest. So if we break it down and make it super simple, and this is the, this is a huge shift for so many people is that as service providers.
If we're out serving, we're marketing, right? So great marketing is serving. And when you're out serving folks, you're actually marketing. That is marketing, right? It's the shift from this get energy, like I've gotta get clients and get leads and get conversions to giving and service. And when we do that, it creates much more impact and it brings clients to us.
We've all been in situations and we've all felt this where when someone is trying to get something from us, we lean away. [00:09:00] Right? So I think that's been a huge shift for so many people that have been through this training is having that awareness of that, get energy and that we can create so much more impact.
When we make the shift to service, I mean, even myself, you know, I have my planner where I plan out my set my goals each week. And a couple of weeks ago, I noticed one of my goals was to get, you know, this many people into this event that I was filling. And I was like, Oh, that's so interesting. How can I shift out of get, and what, how can I serve and create desire in such a way that people will want to come to this event?
So it's noting, note, noticing that difference and just making that shift from how can I serve? Because that will always that will always bring people closer to you. They will want to [00:10:00] lean in. And for us as service providers, it's so much easier because this is what we do all day, every day as we're serving our clients.
Right. We're just out serving. So let's just take that into our marketing and take off all of the, you know, the expectation and the pressure of having to go get leads and get clients and get appointments. Right. Okay. So you might be saying, all right, that all sounds great, but how do I actually do that?
Like, what are the, you know, the check, the tasks I'm going to put on my, my checklist today. And so that's where the KISS method comes in. It's keep it simple sister. And so with these four steps, put these on your calendar every day, you can check them off. And if you do these consistently, you will create clients, you'll create all the clients and all the business that you want.
And it doesn't have to be big things either. [00:11:00] So we're going to go through these in detail. So it's keeping connecting, keep connecting. You're having interacting and conversations. Service, tell people I can help you, and then what are the steps for them to work with you. So we're going to go through these each one in detail.
So our K is keep connecting. So this is all around meeting as many people as possible. You want to be meeting new people and always bringing new people into your sphere. And it doesn't have to be a whole bunch of people. If you met one person, one new person, whether it was in person or online, met one new person a day at the end of the month, if you only work 20 days a month, you have 20 new people in your sphere.
But if you meet, you know, go to a networking function, you meet two people. You could end up with, you know, 30, you could set a goal. I have a goal for myself to meet 25 new people every [00:12:00] month. And that's, so that doesn't have to be, you know, going to a networking function with 200 people and meeting 150 of them, just go and meet two people or go online in a neighborhood group, you know, a Facebook group or some group that you're involved in on Facebook.
And. have a conversation with one person. So so that's, so we're always doing that. So if you put that on your task list, I'm going to meet one person today. And you do that every day, the end of the month, you'll have 20 more people in your sphere, at least.
Okay. And then interacting. We always want to be building and nurturing relationships. So it's one thing to have a database of thousand, you know, 10, 000 people, an email list of 10, 000 people. But if you're not nurturing those relationships and connecting, remember, we're all about connection and service, connecting and serving those people on [00:13:00] a daily, weekly, at at least basis, then that huge email list or those tens of thousands of followers on social media are worth nothing to you and your business.
And that's what they feel like too, right? Especially with our email list. People have requested to be part of our world. So it's an opportunity to to build those relationships, nurture those relationships.
And so what I, what I like to say around, you know, a lot of people ask me, well, how often should I be emailing? How often should I be nurturing relationships? I always go back to like a romantic relationship, right? You meet someone that you really want to get to know and continue to build a relationship with.
How often are you going to reach out to them or someone you really want to be a good friend with? How often would you reach out to them? Would you only call them once a month? [00:14:00] Right. It's not a very risk relationship. If you're only talking to each other once a month. Now, I know we all have friends we've known for 30 years that, you know, you don't talk to for three months and then you pick up right where you left off.
But in general, right. If we really want to be building and nurturing and growing relationships. Think about that because these are all humans. They're not just names in our social media or name or email addresses on our email list. These are actual humans. We want to connect with and stay connected with and then service.
So service is always thinking about coming from this, this place of confidence, right? That you can help people and always letting people know when you hear things that I can help you always be serving, solving, helping people solve their problems, offering solutions. Value. [00:15:00] And the more you do this, the more money you will make.
The more your business will grow, the more impact, the more legacy you will leave. Zig Ziglar. Does everybody know who Zig Ziglar is? Anybody heard of this guy? Author and motivational speaker says he has a quote that says you can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.
So when we're sitting down at our desk and we're like, I have no idea what to do today to market, just go up, go out and help someone is someone that, you know, in your network, in your world, get what they want, right? Solve a problem. And you can do that without holding anything back. I like to say, there's no like, Oh, I hold back all the, you know, hold back or I give 80 percent of what I know.
And I hold back this 20%. For us as service providers, it's all [00:16:00] about working with us personally, right? For our clients and those. And so people will pay us to work with us personally, but in our marketing, before people pay us, we can give all of the advice, problem solving, help folks. Right. So you never have to think about, well, what do I hold back?
And then finally, the final S is steps. You want to always be making invitations for people to go to the next step with you. And so what this comes in client journey comes in with this and knowing what your client journey is, what are all the steps that clients take with you? And this is work I do with my clients of mapping out all the steps that people take with you.
From when they first find out about who you are, hear your name all the way through to either becoming a client or referring you to other people. Right. And so it's not [00:17:00] about always making sales offers. It's about making offers for people to go to the next step in the relationship with you. So I always use a dating example.
If you meet someone that you like in the grocery store, say for example, and they're single, you're single, you say, well, Let's meet for coffee, right? And then you go and you meet for coffee and you have a really great time and you want to spend more time together and you're both on the same page and it's like, oh, well let's go for lunch or let's go have dinner together.
Right. There's all these small steps along the way that you take in building that relationship. You're not going to meet them for coffee and then them be like, well, let's go away for a ski vacation in Vail and share a condo. Like for me, at least that would be too much too fast. Right. It's like, I want to get to know you a little bit better first, make sure you're not a ax murderer or something.
Right. So you just think about it's the [00:18:00] same thing with our clients, right? They want to have opportunities to get to know us. And so you always want to be offering invitation and inviting them to go to that next step with you and your marketing. So you don't have to think about, well, should I do 80 percent of my marketing with no offers and 20 percent with offers and all of that?
No, you need to always be letting people know. Your best fit clients are always going to want to know how to take that next step with you and all the rest of the people that might not be your best fit clients. They can come along for the ride. But when you're creating marketing and out there marketing, you wanna be thinking about those that are your best fit clients.
We're creating our marketing for them, not for all the people that don't want it, can't afford it, whatever. They're not our people. But if we're thinking about making invitations, we wanna think about those that read our post or watch our video or consume whatever we're putting out there. And they love every bit of it, [00:19:00] and they want more.
So we have to always be offering them that next step. Right.
Okay, so again, put simply, marketing is serving. And serving is marketing. And so that serve serving that you do out in the world and people pay you for, that's also how you can market. You're already an expert at that. You're already an expert at marketing, right? So when you think about marketing as serving in the brilliant way that you're already serving, how's that land for you all?
What does that feel like? Is that offer kind of a shift? What comes up for you? Anybody want to share? I'll take off our, let's see, stop our share for a second. How's everybody doing? I'm going to take a drink of water. Y'all get to talk now. Unless I just think it's a constant reminder. I mean, because I heard you say this several times and [00:20:00] it's comforting.
It's just comforting because when we, I personally love to connect with people and I love to serve people. So it's kind of like, oh, well, if I still want to struggle, that's up to me. But this, you know, if we, if we accept this as true, it takes a huge load off. Yeah. Yeah. And I do agree that the energy that people can see when, I mean, it's kind of like, just go be with people, let them get to know who you are, and it's And if you are in a good energy, that's good.
It's all going to take care of itself. I like it. It's like a warm blanket. Oh, good. Yes. Yeah. I have to agree with you, Robin. It feels, I like the word that you use comforting. It feels very refreshing to me. Like, Oh, I don't have to like get swept up in all these trends and have to be here and have to be here and have to be here.
I can just do the things that I'm naturally good at and that I enjoy. Which is connecting and talking to people. And [00:21:00] Melissa has helped me a lot over the last year in, in doing this. And it really, it does, it works. I mean, people just, when you show up in that good energy and you're just having fun and you're not in that good energy, but in that service minded energy, people catch on and eventually they start to want to know more about what you're doing.
It just, yeah, it's like, oh, okay, the pressure's off. Yeah. Yeah. And what I really want to talk about next is how we can be confident in that, right? Because a lot of this is kind of counter to our traditional business education like this. They didn't teach this in my MBA program, right? And so, and I think that for me, it's taken a lot of thinking through how it can make sense and trust that this can be the way that I don't have to be on [00:22:00] all the marketing platforms all the time that I can be out just, you know, I don't have to have some huge master marketing plan either.
I could just ask myself every, every day. Who's in front of me? How can I serve them? How can I help them? How can I love them? And that's good enough. Like, how can we trust that that's good enough? And so that's what I want to share next. So let's go back to our
presentation slides. And so, so this really, for me is this idea of how, how can I show up as my best self and be confident and consistent in my marketing and believe that that's enough, right? I don't know about y'all, but it's so easy with all the things we see out in the marketplace of thinking we're not doing enough.
We're not marketing enough, right? And so trusting that connection and [00:23:00] service are enough. Is a huge up level. So I like to think about it. So this is how I drew this. I made a drawing for y'all. We're going to go multimedia here. So this is how it all makes sense to me. I'm going to take it off share.
Hold on. So I've just been working on this concept and I was, I, so I don't have a fancy slide for it, but I do have a drawing on my whiteboard. So I like to think of as an umbrella. So our, our mission or our why of our business. It's like the umbrella, right? So for me, it's to help women make money and leave a legacy doing work they love.
So that is like our overarching, why, why we exist, why our business exists, right? And then there's kind of two sides of us. There's this business owner brain, right? That's always thinking about, or the, you know, the business owner brain, and then we have our helper's heart. Our [00:24:00] coaches are consultants heart, right?
Right. And so when you're marketing, you want to be marketing from the helper's heart. But so often because that's our giving serving energy, our business owner brain is the one that's thinking like, well, how are we going to pay the bills and taxes? And you know, thinking about operations and delivery of our service, thinking about the management of our finances, And we need both of them.
Both of these serve our mission and they serve each other, but we have to know which side of ourselves we are acting from. So for marketing and sales, we always want to be in our service energy, our helper's heart. And for thinking about delivery and operations and management of finances, that's all in our business owner brain.
But if [00:25:00] we, Get over into the business owner brain with our marketing and sales. This is where all that get energy is right. But it serves our business to have that brain, to think about how we help our clients get results and we're managing our finances properly, making sure we're making enough money, right.
And charging enough, like pricing all that's in here. How does that land for you guys? I, this is kind of the first time I'm teaching this concept. It totally reminds me of the reason why we want both masculine and feminine energy. Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking the get energy with all the business stuff and then our heart energy, why we're doing all the business stuff.
It's like when I'm actually having a workshop and I'm having conversations around, you know, my business and I I'm in diversity and gender bias and all that [00:26:00] stuff. When I'm doing that, I just feel great. I feel energized. It's when I'm Marketing and trying to put it out there that I get brought down into that get energy.
Like, Oh my God, how can I, how can I make this clear? How can, how can I get interest? So I do like the idea of the heart energy versus the get energy. Yeah. Yeah. And staying in that heart energy for your marketing too. Yeah. Yeah. Melissa, I think for me too, it gives that separation from, okay, I've got to think about my numbers and bringing clients in and just that desperation, maybe at a certain point, like that stays on that side.
And so then when I go into marketing, I can say, okay, I'm going to deal with that when I'm in my business brain, but when I'm marketing shift that. Right? Robin Shift into Helper's Heart. Yeah! That, if I can shed that and really embody that and show [00:27:00] that in the world, that's so much better to ingest for people too.
Yeah, totally. And so this is how I make sense of it in my own brain. So when my own brain's like, yeah, you want to go out and help the world and all of that, but how is that going to make money? This is what I tell it, right? That the helper's heart and the servant and the servant energy, the giving energy is what's going to achieve this mission, right?
Yes. Entrepreneur brain that is, we need you and we need you to balance the books and whatever. But I do know that the helper's heart, I believe this a hundred percent, cause I've been testing it for decades now. This is what makes the money, but we have to have both of them to serve the mission. I like that a lot.
There can also be a lot of shame with the business owner brain for me of like, when I don't meet my goals, like shame on you and then, [00:28:00] and then it's very easy for me to get into that, get energy instead of focusing on the helper's heart.
Totally. I relate to that too. I relate to the desperation. Right? Don't we all? That's the entrepreneurial journey, my friends. I'm new, kind of new to the business world. So it's like somebody give me a break. Yeah, yeah. What I like about this, though, Melissa, too, I love visuals, but it really is. So when we're in the helper's heart, our body tells us we feel good and everything's great.
When we move into that other, that desperate. Energy stuff that feels yucky. So, but so our body can give us the first clue really fast, but what I love about just even thinking, just imagining this umbrella going, Hey, I just got to go to the other side of the holder or the handle, you just gotta get the other side, just for energy sake and everything will be good, you know?
But it, yeah, I think we all know that [00:29:00] feeling of golly, it wasn't what I thought it was this month, or I thought that client was going to sign or whatever it is. It does. If we don't catch it right away, it's that it is that panicky. I always call it panic, frenetic energy where, and again, we can go right into scarcity instead of remembering abundance.
And so, yeah, this is a great, great visual. I love this. Thank you. And I, for, and I love that you said that Robin, cause for most of us, like that get energy lives up here. Like that's why I called it the brain, right? Cause that's all up here. But when we get down into our heart, into the, our core, even the lower part of our body is where this is.
So we can also use that somatic as awareness, right? When we feel like we're all up in here, that's that get energy. And yeah, when we're feeling disappointed and desperate and all of that, we always shift back to service. Maryanne Williamson says, [00:30:00] when you feel helpless, help someone. Mm-Hmm. . And it shifts you out of, you know, that get energy and it shifts you out of that scarcity because to go and serve someone is, takes you your somatic assumption of abundance.
'cause in order to give something to someone else, you have to already believe that you have something to give. Hmm. So it's an automatic shift without like trying to fight against yourself. Just go help somebody. . And it can be that easy to shift yourself away. And also the, the get energy is very self focused my results, my money, my, you know, and the helper's heart is very other focused.
So if you notice yourself getting very self focused, that's also a trigger for guilt, forget energy, and then just change that. Go help someone, you know, just follow Marianne Williamson's [00:31:00] advice. And it shifts you immediately out of that in, in action. You know what else that brings up for me is where, when we are, you know, doubting like I think I'm thinking about speaking, writing that book, whatever, if we hold back because of what other people think, it's all about us versus just go share what can help them and, and it would get out of thinking about yourself and it's so much easier to shift that.
Yes. Thanks guys. Absolutely. And that's why staying in that service energy makes marketing so much easier because you're not thinking about how do I look? How's my voice sound? Did I put the words together in the right way? That's all very self focused. But if you're in your core, in your heart, and you just speak from there, how can it not be impactful?
I think that also speaks to authenticity. People feel very connected to people who are not perfect, [00:32:00] poised, and polished, right? We might love watching those things, but I probably wouldn't take action because I can't relate to them. Whereas when I can show up, hair messy, but I'm feeling so called to share something because it's like, Oh, this is so big.
I want to share this with my community is often where I see a lot of people get that impact. And I received some, some positive feedback too, of like, Whether it's immediate or later down the road, but it really speaks to that level of authenticity to have, like, who cares if I stumble my words? Yeah. It'll still help them.
Yeah. Yeah. Because that's what creates connection, right? Perfection doesn't create connection that actually disconnects. Right. Because none of us can really relate to perfection. It's something we all apparently want, but we can't really relate to it. We can't connect to it. Yeah.
I just had a connection with what you just said. Cause I, I sometimes try [00:33:00] to, cause I'm a, I'm a big achiever. So it's like in somewhere in my brain at times, I mistake that I have to be perfect and it has to be delivered like seamlessly. And I just made this connection of like my imperfection is what creates connection.
It literally just, yeah, absolutely. Thank you. And it's not even imperfection. It's just human humaneness, right? Because perfection, you know, we all, I mean, I come out of the corporate marketing world where everything had to be perfect. Right. And so it's been really hard for me to break down that barrier for myself and just show up as a human.
And and So we all want that ideal, but it really isn't. We all know that, you know, intellectually, we know that the perfection is impossible
yet. We, you know, put all these things in place to try to achieve it. And that, you know, all of those things create [00:34:00] disconnection. And then when we try to show up in perfection, we're actually creating disconnection as well.
Yeah. That's pretty crazy. Okay. Let me go back to my slides here. Share. Okay. Okay, so we want to be, I'm going to move my whiteboard there. So what's required for us to really show up and in service and in confidence and be consistent, right? It's always coming back to service. And I know some of you've heard me say this, but this is work I do every single morning of connecting back to service and to my why.
Okay. Because it's not where our default brain, our default thinking is, comes back to that, you know, the business owner brain, [00:35:00] right? It's like, okay, where's the money? We got to go out and get the clients, get the money, get the things. And so it really is going against some of our primal programming to come back to service.
And so that's number one. Number two is really practicing awareness. And that this is enough and that you are enough, right? Beginning to craft a new self concept and the self concept is simply the collection of thoughts that you have about yourself. So I like to say that we are the product of the five thoughts that we spend the most time with.
And for most of us, it's thoughts like I'm not doing it right. I'm not good enough. I'm not doing enough. Right. But thoughts are a in your control. And so when you own the Value that [00:36:00] you offer, the change that you make in the world and how it impacts your clients and own that you're on a mission. It begins to build a new self concept.
And then number three is massive action. Because when you're focused on service, And you're focused on the impact, the value that you provide, then out of that comes action. And you can always use this step one, two, three, when you get to the action part, that's becomes your task list for the day, right?
Ideas will come to you.
And so that's really how we make this work. The, the idea of serving and marketing as service work for us.
So, As a result of what I've shared today, we all get to make a decision, right? We can decide to stay the same, or we can decide to lean into simplicity and service. [00:37:00] And I know for many of us, what happens is the problem is we come to these trainings and we sit here and we consume all of this content and maybe take away a few things.
And, but then we don't take action on them and really figure out how we can change what we're doing. Right. So here's the deal, you guys, we have 97 days left in 2024, 97 days left in this year. And what I want you all to know is that it's not too late to make big changes in your business. We know Super Bowls are won in the fourth quarter, right?
So you have an opportunity to take what you've learned here today and start doing things very differently.
And I can help you. I want to help you through this. That's my role as a [00:38:00] coach, right? To give, to help you come to complete clarity and focus and know all the next steps to get you to where you want to go in your business. And so I have opened up on my calendar slots for consultations, and I'm going to put that link in the chat and for a 60 minute consultation and during that consultation session.
What I will do with you is to assess. Your business and your marketing as it as it is currently and we'll go through the the four things that the kiss things that we talked about and see what's working in your business. What's not working and what you want to do differently. And when we identify when we identify all the obstacles.
between you and your goal, say your goal for the end of the year, that becomes your roadmap. And so in that 60 minute [00:39:00] session, I can provide for you complete clarity and a roadmap on how you can get to the business that you want to have and create the impact and the money that you want. And that's the work I do on that consultation.
And so I will also share with you how I can help you with that, but even if we decide not to work together, you will walk away knowing all the steps to get to your goal, whatever your goal is, whether it's for the end of the year or three years, five years, whatever, but to get you making money and having that business that you want to have and that impact that you want to have.
So, so what's possible for you. And leaning into simplicity and Claire and and service is more clarity and less overwhelmed in your marketing, right? Cause you know, now you don't have to do all the things, do the things that you love doing serve the way you love serving. [00:40:00] And that gives you greater fulfillment and greater impact, right?
Because you're not letting technology or trends stand between you and connecting with your best fit people. And when you're doing that, you're offering greater value and having that impact that you want to have. And it creates much less complexity and wasted time in your business. If we all could add up the time we've spent trying to build funnels and landing pages or implement fancy technology, and we could have just been out serving, right.
We've all been there. I know I have. I actually, I built my first website using HTML, like the old HTML programming. That's very old. I know. But I've been in business almost 20 years now. So what's possible for you is more clients, more revenue, and actually having fun in your business because you've got into this business to serve people and.
[00:41:00] Marketing is serving and serving this marketing. So if we bring it back to that, you got it.
So if you're interested in having a consultation call with me, there's the QR code for the, the link. And like I said, we'll go through, have a one on one private call with me. We'll do a full assessment of all of your marketing, where you are now, where you want to be, and all of the obstacles standing in your way.
And we'll list all those out, solve for all of those. So you have a step by step roadmap of how to get where you want to go in your business. And I would love to do that for you. And there's no, no cost to that at all.
So I will get the link and put it in the chat, but I want to answer any questions. If anybody has questions here's, and then I'm going to just go over to this page is all of my contact information. If you want to reach out to [00:42:00] me, take a picture socials.
And take a picture of that if you want. Oh, let me see. I've chat here. Okay. I'm gonna stop my share. And if any of you have any questions, now's the time as we wrap up this morning in our monthly marketing class. Questions, thoughts?
I guess my, my question, I didn't put a lot of thought in this question, so forgive me, but as far as the different platforms, is there, like you said, find the one that fits you or you feel good about. I'm 61, so Facebook feels good to me, but my daughter's like, nobody looks at Facebook, you know, she's, she's 28, so I'm just wondering, do I, Do I have to adjust or say, I'm sorry, but I'm 61, so I'm going with Facebook.
Yeah, that's a great question. [00:43:00] Who are your clients? Who are you trying to reach? That's like I said, I didn't put a lot of thought into that because it's like, well, I can go to Facebook and be stubborn, but it's like, my clients aren't in Facebook, then being stubborn about it. So, yeah. Who are your clients?
Well, I'm looking for business, business leaders, business, you know, people who have have employees, you know, have their, their managing, you know, employees. So I'm not looking for solo entrepreneurs. Yeah, looking for people who are leading people. So what size businesses in general. Well, any size, you know, I just I just did a workshop for salon and there was 10, there was 10 women that work in the salon and we had a great workshop.
So any size, you know, but yeah. So I, I'm assuming they're on Facebook too, but I, I do Instagram too. So, and do you like Instagram? [00:44:00] Yeah, I'm, I'm getting better at it. I know it's just a quick little, usually a quick little video or clip or something like that. So let me let my dog out.
So we know that the people are everywhere, right? There's a billion of them on all the platforms. So you get to go and serve where you want to serve. I know what comes up for me is LinkedIn. I mean, might be a great place to offer some of your expertise. Yeah. But if you don't, if LinkedIn's not your thing, you know, I'm also not going to send you down that rabbit hole to try to figure out a whole other platform that you really don't enjoy.
So the only one that like, I definitely don't like X and I don't like Tik TOK. Cause it just seems like it's so overwhelming and there's just so much on there. I can't even look at it. You know, I can look at Instagram and I can look at Facebook and I can look at LinkedIn, but those [00:45:00] other two, it's just like, I just can't do it.
So where do you see most of your business coming from? Where are your leads coming from? Well, I haven't really, I really haven't had any business like that. I'm kind of new, but that's why I'm here. Yeah. Yeah. So are you out doing in person networking or you want to do online? Yeah, I've been doing, I've been doing like e women network and BNI.
So I'm just introducing myself to the business community in that way. And yeah, I'm doing that. Number one. Yeah. And that's really the that is the best place to be focused now. At the beginning is just getting out there and meeting as many people as you can, whether they're potential clients or not.
It's just, is a great way for you to talk about your work and get used to talking about your work [00:46:00] and get people interested. And it helps you build your confidence and your self concept as the service provider that you are. So wherever you want to be doing that, I mean, definitely in person networking is great.
And there's opportunities on all the online platforms, you know, where, wherever you feel like you can show up consistently is what I would suggest. All right. Thank you. Because if you think about Facebook, everybody on there, well, I don't know, I guess we could say statistically 62 percent of them maybe are either working in a business, have a business, or Or someone in their household works in a business, right?
So, so just because it's Facebook doesn't mean you can't meet people there.
Anybody else? Thoughts? Questions? Anything land for you as we wrap up? Melissa, can I, you didn't ask me to do this, but [00:47:00] can I just share a quick testimonial? Sure. So, I met Melissa at Unstop, at the Unstoppable Conference last year. And then I signed up for one of her consultations. And just the consultation alone was so enlightening for me and understanding.
I didn't even know what my client journey was. And I had been in business for two and a half years beforehand. So just having, if you're on the fence with even just the consultation, I would just say, go and do it because you're going to get so much value from that. And I highly recommend her. She's been my coach for the, like you said, since January.
And I have seen steadily, consistently, my income is starting to grow and grow and grow and grow every month where I wasn't having that consistency in my business before. And she really does make it so simple. It's hard for the brain [00:48:00] to comprehend sometimes of like, how can it be so simple? But it really is.
So simple and a lot of fun. So if you're on the fence with a consultation, I would say, just do it. You have nothing to lose, but so much to gain from it. Thank you, Jen. Appreciate that. Love it. All right, ladies. Well thank you so much for being here. If you have any other questions, if there's any other way I can support you, please let me know.
And we will continue running these classes monthly so we can get together and I can share new concepts with you. And I also want to just invite you to engage with me on social media. And you're all on my email list because you're, that's how you got here. Because I really, I've been experiencing such a massive growth in personally and in my business this year.
And I really am leaning into that and sharing everything that I'm learning. And really within this container of the [00:49:00] last hundred days of the year, because I do believe whatever your goal is, was, or when you want it to be for this year, it's still achievable. And I really want to just encourage all of us to, to really up level in our service.
And our, and being big and bold and visible, and that's what I'm going to be doing. And I just invite you to come along with me on that journey and see all the fabulous things we can create and great work we can do in the world just in these next three months, because I know that whatever momentum we create, we just carry it with us into 2025.
So. So thank you all so much. I love you. I believe in you and I want to support you in any way that I can. And hi Sandra. And I wish you a fabulous rest of your Thursday and week and I will see you again soon. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks, Melissa. You're [00:50:00] welcome.