2025 Women's Success Summit 🎉 Unlock Your Profit Power | April 9th

115. Marketing Essentialism: Creating Your One-Page Marketing Plan

In this episode of the podcast, we continue exploring Marketing Essentialism and how it guides your marketing strategy. Drawing on my 20 years of experience and insights from 'Essentialism' by Greg McKeon and '10 X Is Easier Than 2 X,' I’m teaching the importance of evaluating your current marketing efforts, identifying your most impactful actions, and focusing on those to achieve greater efficiency and results. Listeners are encouraged to create a one-page marketing plan, optimize their top-performing marketing activities, and learn how to balance new relationship-building, nurturing existing relationships, and making clear offers.

00:00 Introduction to the Podcast
00:33 Welcome to Marketing Essentialism
00:44 Course Overview and Personal Experience
02:21 Recap of Previous Weeks
04:57 The Purpose of Marketing
06:19 Engagement and Feedback
09:20 Creating Your One Page Marketing Plan
12:14 Evaluating Your Marketing
18:25 Understanding the 80/20 Rule
27:26 Balanced Marketing Plan
34:55 Homework and Next Steps
37:10 Conclusion and Community Invitation


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    Instagram: @melissa_m_kellogg


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Want to Grow Your Sales, Doing What You Love, in the time you have?? Then, you’ve got to go and grab my free on-demand video training that will teach you my simple process for creating compounding results from the sales and marketing strategies you are already using. Get the training HERE.

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