2025 Women's Success Summit 🎉 Unlock Your Profit Power | April 9th

114. The Purpose of Marketing is to Serve Before you Sell

In this episode, I’m sharing with you a replay of Week 2 of my LIVE online class, Marketing Essentialism. I share insights on transforming marketing practices, focusing on value and quality over quantity, and building a one-page marketing plan. I emphasize the importance of understanding the 'why' behind marketing, serving clients before selling and creating impactful relationships. I also recount my learnings from a marketing seminar with Seth Godin and encourage listeners to evaluate their current marketing strategies to identify what works best.

00:00 Welcome and Introduction
00:52 Mission and Purpose of the Podcast
01:52 Marketing Essentialism Overview
04:13 Transforming Your Marketing Mindset
06:53 The Why Behind Marketing
07:23 Seth Godin's Influence
10:38 Value Exchange in Marketing
19:35 Nurturing Business Relationships
22:21 Defining Your Marketing Why
25:34 Understanding Your Client's Needs
26:40 Engaging with Your Audience
30:58 Evaluating Your Marketing Strategies
35:35 The 80/20 Rule in Marketing
37:08 Creating a One-Page Marketing Plan
39:03 Networking for Success
43:09 Reflecting on Your Marketing Journey
45:05 Final Thoughts and Next Steps
52:00 Join the Community


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    Instagram: @melissa_m_kellogg


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Want to Grow Your Sales, Doing What You Love, in the time you have?? Then, you’ve got to go and grab my free on-demand video training that will teach you my simple process for creating compounding results from the sales and marketing strategies you are already using. Get the training HERE.

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