2025 Women's Success Summit 🎉 Unlock Your Profit Power | April 9th

110. Top 10 Networking Faux Pas and How to Avoid Them

In this episode of the 'Doing Business Like a Woman' podcast, Melissa Kellogg Lueck, a marketing expert and business coach, discusses the importance of effective networking for early-stage business growth and financial freedom. She emphasizes connecting over traditional networking to build trust and relationships. The episode presents the top 10 networking faux pas in a David Letterman-style countdown, highlighting common mistakes such as coming on too strong, walking into a room with the intention of getting clients, and failing to follow up on connections. Melissa also includes two bonus faux pas related to communication and assumptions in networking. She provides insights on the real purpose of networking and strategies for effective engagement, aiming to help women entrepreneurs create impact and achieve success by reinventing the way we network.

00:00 Welcome to Doing Business Like a Woman
00:32 A Fabulous Friday and Personal Updates
01:16 The Power of Networking for Business Growth
03:23 Top 10 Networking Faux Pas: A Countdown
32:43 Bonus Networking Tips: Avoid These Mistakes
36:09 Recap and Invitation to Join the Community

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    Instagram: @melissa_m_kellogg


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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BusinessAcademy4Women 

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