2025 Women's Success Summit 🎉 Unlock Your Profit Power | April 9th

108. Learn from the Best: The Art of Building Business Relationships with Sandra Yancey

In this episode of the Doing Business Like a Woman' podcast, host Melissa Kellogg Lueck, a marketing expert and business coach, is joined by Sandra Yancey, founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork. They discuss the journey and impact of eWomen Network, a dynamic women's business network that fosters connections among over 500,000 women business owners across North America. Sandra shares her transition from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, highlighting the challenges and breakthroughs that propelled eWomenNetwork to success. The podcast emphasizes the importance of networking, building community, and maintaining a customer-focused approach in business. Listeners are invited to the 2024 Women's Success Summit in Northern Colorado, offering insights into strategies that have shaped eWomenNetwork's success and how these can be applied to any business for transformative growth.

00:00 Welcome to the Podcast: Empowering Women in Business
00:32 Introducing Sandra Yancey: A Trailblazer for Women Entrepreneurs
03:17 The Birth of eWomen Network: From Idea to Impact
10:21 Navigating Challenges: The Journey of Resilience and Adaptation
15:14 Mastering Networking: Building Relationships for Business Success
23:24 Unlocking the Power of Networking: Beyond Business Cards
23:48 The Art of Meaningful Connections: A Woman's Intuitive Edge
24:19 Strategic Networking: Finding Value in Fewer, Deeper Relationships
25:40 Personal Touch in Networking: The Magic of Remembering and Helping
31:07 Building a Thriving Community: Insights and Strategies
40:06 The Journey to Success: Reflecting on Growth and Future Plans
41:55 A Sneak Peek into the Upcoming Success Summit
44:31 Joining Forces for Empowerment: A Call to Action

To learn more, visit Sandra's website or follow her on Instagram. You can also check out her blog.

Registration and Info for the 2024 Women’s Success Summit: bit.ly/2024SummitNoCo

Sign-up to receive my Friday Celly Newsletter! https://avanticreativegroup.mykajabi.com/newsletter-opt 

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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/m.kellogg.lueck/
    Instagram: @melissa_m_kellogg


Stay Connected:

Website: https://www.melissamkellogg.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissamkellogg/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissa_m_kellogg/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BusinessAcademy4Women 

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