075. Good Stress vs. Bad Stress in Creating Long Life for Your Business

Since I turned 50 two years ago, I've become obsessed with learning about longevity because I am bound and determined to live to be 100 years old and be healthy all the way there. 

One thing that I've been learning about recently that's been really interesting is that there are beneficial levels of stress. There's good stress and bad stress. We can intentionally put our body through good stress and if done properly will cause our bodies to repair and become stronger at the cellular level. 

In learning about this, I’ve also been thinking about how it applies to our businesses and that there’s good stress we can put our businesses through that can serve our growth. In this podcast episode I discuss what good stress and bad stress look like and the exact steps to utilize good stress to take you, your mind, your body, and your business to the next level and create amazing results.


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