062. Goals Part 2 - What I'm Doing Different This Year That's Changing Everything

One of the areas where I want to improve in 2023 is in keeping my goal and my thoughts, energy and actions going in that one direction. Focused! Last year I found myself going off in various directions, trying lots of things, and learning lots in the process.

Everything I learned about planning to hit my goal in 2023 is what I’m teaching you in this episode of the podcast…so this episode could be worth $100k to you or whatever your goal is!

Is this the only, one, right way to hit a goal? Hell, no! But I learned this method of planning to hit a goal from two different multi-million dollar women entrepreneurs that I follow that run businesses similar to mine. The first time I heard about this process, I thought, “that’s cool.” And the second time I thought, “there are no coincidences, I’m listening, and using this method.” So, I want to share it with you and let’s do this together. Enjoy!


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