045. How to Design Your Client Journey and Why

Can we stop calling it a “funnel?” The picture that always pops into my head when I hear that term used is a toilet flushing…and I DO NOT want to do that to my prospective clients! Gross!

So, don’t ask me what’s my funnel look like! Or what’s my technology stack! Or who’s the guru that set it all up for me! Or how you can build your funnel just like mine! 

Because, you know what? Even if you set up your funnel and technology just like mine and even put out the same exact, word for word, content that I do (don’t try, it’s not nice ;), you’re not going to build much of an engaged audience or make any more money! 

It’s not about the funnel, the tech, or the words on the page, is YOU and your energy that your best fit clients want! And it’s YOU obsessing over them and their problem that you uniquely can solve. 

But how will they ever know that you can help them? By you building a genuine relationship with them and designing a loving, intentional Client Journey for them to go on with you to nurture the relationship.

And exactly how to do that is the subject of this week’s episode of the podcast.And yes, I do talk about the technology I use and recommend to my clients, but I think of the tech as supporting the client relationship, not responsible for creating it, that’s our jobs as business owners.


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