041. How to Vacation and Not Freak Out About Your Business

It’s been interesting to watch my mind and the mental gymnastics it’s done while on vacation. Sometimes I find myself really needing time away and wanting a break to rest. But at the same time my brain freaks out and I feel like if I disconnect from my business and take a break that when I come back it will all be gone, or I won't want to come back. Then I'll be labeled a miserable failure and so my mind is convinced that it’s not safe to disconnect and rest. 

This thought pattern ends up with me spending much of my vacations noticing this push and pull happening; thinking I should do something for my business but I don't want to. Then feeling shame for resting and/or working, doing it all wrong, and coming back from vacation feeling exhausted and horrible about myself. It’s maddening!

So, if this has ever happened to you where you don’t feel like it’s safe to step away from your business, this podcast episode is for you.


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