015. How to Use Your Numbers to Build Belief

When we set a revenue goal for our business and have no idea if it’s possible with the offers and business model we currently have, we’re setting ourselves up for failure…and our brains know it. So no matter how much belief we try to build, our minds will continue to call BS on the numbers until we build that evidence of all the ways it could be possible…numerically. 

In this week’s episode of the podcast I’m pulling back the curtain on how to build belief in your big goal for the year using actual, tangible numbers and your thoughts about them. 

I share what are the 6 numbers you need to know, as well as the marketing and sales numbers that when you know and track will help you reach your goals with so much less hustle and drama.

If you need support in creating your plan and looking at your numbers, reach out to me. Schedule a call now.


Stay Connected:

Website: https://www.melissamkellogg.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissamkellogg/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissa_m_kellogg/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BusinessAcademy4Women

Want to Grow Your Sales, Doing What You Love, in the time you have?? Then you’ve got to go and grab my free on-demand video training that will teach you my simple process for creating compounding results from the sales and marketing strategies you are already using. Get the training HERE.

Subscribe to our podcast + download each episode on AppleSpotify, or Google Podcasts.


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