Marketing Essentialism

A 4-week LIVE Online Class | Begins June 1, 2024


Join me for Marketing Essentialism beginning June 1 - 30, 2024


Marketing Essentialism:

Greater Impact, More Clients, Less Time & Much More Fun!

A LIVE Online Course

June 1-30, 2024

Weekly LIVE Trainings + Replays +

BONUS - Four 30-minute, Private Coaching Sessions w/ Melissa



"If I'm so brilliant, why can't I figure out how to market my business?"

Maybe you too can relate...

Countless women entrepreneurs, just like you, are caught in an endless cycle of marketing over-load. Day in and day out, you're bombarded with the latest 'must-do' strategies, from overwhelming social media trends to the never-ending list of marketing tactics you're told are essential. The result? You're not just managing a business; you're running a never-ending marathon with no finish line in sight. Exhaustion, frustration, and the creeping fear of burnout become your constant companions, overshadowing the passion that once fueled your entrepreneurial journey.

But what if there was a light at the end of this tunnel? Picture a world where marketing doesn't feel like a battle, but like a secret weapon you wield with confidence and grace. Imagine slashing your to-do list in half, not by doing more, but by doing what truly matters. Envision yourself reclaiming hours of your day, dedicating them not to the latest fads, but to deep, meaningful engagement with your work and the clients who love what you do.

The truth is, marketing your business and sparking consistent growth doesn't have to be a Herculean task shrouded in mystery and confusion.

It's time to step away from the chaos and step into your power as a Marketing Queen, effortlessly attracting your best fit clients and growing the business you love with intention and ease.

Are you a dedicated female entrepreneur who:

  • Pours her heart into her work but is tired of marketing efforts that don't deliver results?
  • Craves efficient, actionable strategies that save time and yield immediate benefits?
  • Aims to expand her reach, transforming more followers into loyal clients?
  • Seeks to master marketing with confidence, making it a strength rather than a chore?
  • Desires to find joy in the marketing journey, creating genuine connections with ideal clients?

...If these statements resonate with you, then this class is designed with you in mind!!

During this 4-week group training and coaching event you will :
Transform how you think about marketing and yourself as a marketer, unlocking new levels of effectiveness and enjoyment in your marketing efforts.
Evolve into the marketing guru you've always dreamt of hiring. 
Craft magnetic marketing messages that resonate profoundly with your ideal clients, ensuring your voice is heard in a crowded marketplace.
Discover the secrets to slashing your marketing time by half (or even more!), while simultaneously skyrocketing the impact and success of your marketing campaigns.

You're Invited to Marketing Essentialism!

Dates: June 1 - 30, 2024
LIVE Session Times: 9am MT / 11am ET weekly on Fridays
...each LIVE Class includes a 90-min LIVE session with me as I teach, coach and work with you to create your Essentialist Marketing Plan (replays available)
Cost = $149


At This Event You Will Learn...

Weeks 1 & 2 - Becoming the Who before the How - You will step into a new self concept as a marketer and create a whole new way of experiencing marketing

Week 1: Unlocking Your Marketing Mindset & Clarifying Your Desires and Goals

  • Discover how your self-concept influences your marketing success.
  • Visualize your future self as a successful marketer and set the foundation for becoming her.
  • Learn practical strategies for developing an abundance mindset.
  • Establish daily practices and habits to transform your approach to marketing.

Week 2: Clarifying Your Desires and Goals

  • Identify your deepest desires and define clear, actionable marketing goals
  • Create a Simple Plan and scenarios to see how the goal could be possible
  • Learn how to use obstacles as a roadmap to achieve your goals.
  • Engage in exercises to bring your internal desires into the external world and refine your marketing direction.

Weeks 3 & 4 - You will learn how to Exponentially Increase Value, Quality and Efficiency and Cut Marketing Time in Half or More!

Week 3: Maximizing Impact with the 80-20 Rule

  • Dive into the practical aspects of marketing evaluation and analysis.
  • Understand the importance of tracking your numbers and how it can guide your marketing strategy.
  •  Conduct a thorough evaluation of your current marketing efforts to understand what's working and what isn't.
  • Identify the 20% of your efforts that produce 80% of your results.
  • Create a streamlined One-Page Marketing Plan to focus your efforts for maximum impact.

Week 4: Amplifying Value and Quality & Boosting Time Efficiency

  • Explore strategies for increasing value and quality in your offerings without increasing your workload.
  • Understand what your clients truly value and how to deliver it more effectively.
  • Define and 10X the value you provide, leveraging insights from your audience and AI tools.
  • Learn the principles of deliberate practice to enhance your marketing efficiency.
  • Discover how to create impactful content with minimal time investment.
  • Utilize AI and team support to overcome challenges and streamline your marketing processes.


Marketing Essentialism includes:

By the end of this program, you'll have transformed your marketing approach, developed a powerful concept of yourself as your own marketing guru, and learned how to achieve more with less effort. In our 90-minutes together weekly, you will elevate your marketing game and drive significant growth for your business!

  • Four, 90-minute LIVE online training and coaching sessions with Melissa and your fellow community of female entrepreneurs.
  • Session replays in case you're not there live.
  • All worksheets, tools and support materials.
  • Four 30-minute Private Coaching Sessions to be used in June 2024.

You will walk away with...

  • A Completely Different Concept of Who You Are as a Marketer - Shift from overwhelm to clarity with a new outlook on marketing, ready to tackle marketing with confidence and creativity, ensuring your business stands out in the crowded landscape.
  • A Streamlined One-Page Marketing Plan - You'll be equipped with a laser-focused marketing plan that highlights the 20% of efforts yielding 80% of your results, allowing for more growth with less effort.
  • Enhanced Marketing Efficiency - Master the art of leveraging the right kind of tech and/or human support and deliberate practice to create high-impact marketing strategies and content, boosting your efficiency and enabling exponential business growth without increasing your workload.

Meet Your Hostess!

Melissa Kellogg Lueck, MBA

Marketing Expert + Business Coach for Women that are building businesses to six-figures and beyond.

My mission is to teach women how to create financial freedom through entrepreneurship with great marketing strategy and the mindset of courage and confidence to go for it!

Much of what I teach and coach stems from what I have learned as an entrepreneur for the last 20 years, having founded numerous internet and technology companies before founding my own company in 2005.

I serve my clients through one-on-one and group coaching and teaching. I also have a top podcast for entrepreneurial women and am a sought-after speaker and writer passionate about helping as many women as possible to build and scale successful businesses.

I've earned a Bachelor's degree in History and Political Science and an MBA in Marketing from Hofstra University in New York. 

I live in Northern Colorado with my husband, 2 kiddos, and my goldendoodle Ginger. For fun, I'm a huge ice hockey fan and play hockey on an adult women’s hockey team called the Hot Flashes.

What others are saying...

“Melissa offers the perfect balance of accountability and understanding. Her masterful questions help me overcome mental roadblocks, shift my perspective, and envision exciting possibilities for growth. I love her podcasts, too – so informative and educational! Melissa’s heart lies in educating and guiding entrepreneurs to achieve more than they could have ever imagined. She is passionate, smart, and caring – a true gem. Her gentle whip-cracking inspires me to take action and try new things! Hiring her has been an excellent investment for my business. She is a true professional, and I highly recommend her services.”


“I participated in Melissa’s marketing bootcamp this summer and found it to be incredibly insightful and a productive use of my time. It was a huge value to have access to an expert in her field, and to share ideas and business pains with other entrepreneurs. She delivered content in easily digestible and engaging formats, always stayed on time/task, and curated great community. We also received a free coaching day – which, by the end, proved to be one of the most helpful and impactful days I’ve had all year. She listens to your struggles, pain points, and dreams, and can filter out the excuses and help you see what is really going on an recommend a strong path forward. She’s authentic, smart, kind, patient, and just an overall rockstar both personally and professionally. I would highly recommend Melissa, her program, and this invaluable investment in your business.”

Sara L

I'm so excited that we met, because I don't really know how I would do the last... I don't even know how I would do it without you. You've been a permanent stable in my mindset shift and how I think through things.

Sydney M

My business has grown so much over the last few years and I couldn't imagine making the transition from solopreneur/employee to CEO without the support and guidance I have received from coaching with Melissa. It can be really scary to invest in yourself and your business, but I am learning that it is well worth it. It has been a wild ride, but I am so excited to see where the next 5 years will take me and my business.

Michelle C.

“...The training, the coaching has been invaluable. It's not even necessarily training, it literally is coaching. It's already have these gifts and these talents inside of you, now let's tap into them. Let's pull them out and let's allow them to serve their purpose in your life, to attain the life that is destined and planned for you. So that is probably the biggest mindset shift that I've had and why I would recommend a coach to anybody. I mean, I would say, if you're building a business, you need somebody that is objective enough and not necessarily, what do you call it? In the soup. In the soup with you, but kind of just saying, you might need some oregano in there. You need that objectivity to help guide the decisions that you're making so that you're not backpedaling and taking two steps back to move one step forward constantly.

Kisha J

Reserve your spot TODAY!


Marketing Essentialism will fundamentally change the way you market and impact your world!
Let's do this!
Get registered NOW!


Let's GO!

Marketing Essentialism kicks off in...









50% Complete