Big Goals start with Great Marketing!

90-Day Marketing Accelerator 

Enrolling now for Q2 2023

Count Me In!

Big Goals happen with Great Marketing!

90-Day Marketing Accelerator 

Enrolling now for Q2 2023

Count Me In!

You have a big goal.

You want to make more in your business without sacrificing the life you love!

You're not afraid of hard work and you know what you're not willing to give up.

You just want to know the marketing actions and the mindset that are going to get you there.

I can help you!

I'm ready!

In my 90-Day Marketing Accelerator, we will work together to focus and amplify your marketing to create the sales revenue you want!

Together, over 90 Days, starting in April we will 

  • Accelerate your audience growth to get in front of more potential clients
  • Accelerate your money-making value and content
  • Accelerate the quality of your irresistible offers
  • And with all of this it's inevitable that you'll accelerate your revenue!

So many service-based entrepreneurs and small business owners I talk with have:

⁃ beautiful businesses
⁃ great offers
⁃ stellar client results and reviews
⁃ but they constantly feel like they’re hustling for opportunities, unclear what new marketing trends they need to jump on, or not selling their offers easily.

...and it doesn't have to be this way!

No matter the size or age of our business or audience...

We need to be consistently amplifying these four parts of our marketing to bring in more business:

1. Bringing new people into your network. (Online, in person, organic and paid)
2. Serving them well to form a relationship. (personal interactions, valuable freebies)
3. Nurturing relationships to build trust and desire. (Creating valuable content that shows your expertise and that you can help)
4. Making compelling offers clients want to say YES to. (Creating offers you love to sell & clients love to buy that offer value and results)

In the 90 Day Marketing Accelerator together we will create for you...

  • Focused Marketing Plan that walks you step-by-step to bringing in the clients so you can reach your goal
  • A repeatable process for Growing Your Audience and pool of potential clients - using online and in-person strategies that you enjoy
  • A continuous flow of Valuable Content Ideas you'll use in all forms of marketing and communications so you're never feeling you have nothing to say
  • Your description of what you're offering your clients communicated in a way that's in service to the client, feels great for you to offer, and feels great for them to buy providing them with what they most want in the way they want it.

Want to talk about how this program can work for you? Let's talk! Click the button below to schedule a short Zoom call so you can make the best decision for you and your business.

Book A Call

The Investment

Pay in Full




Pay in Full

Monthly Payment Plan

$850 / 3 mths



Payment Plan

What's included...

Doing Business Like a Woman Podcast

LIVE, Online Group Sessions

The Accelerator includes weekly group sessions where we will meet on Zoom together for coaching and skill workshops. I teach on topics like growing your audience, social media paid advertising, creating a valuable freebie, creating great content and copywriting, creating irresistible offers, and MORE! 

12 Brilliant Marketing Topic Ideas

Private Coaching Sessions

You will have six (6) individual coaching sessions online via Zoom with me to implement the teachings into your specific business and support you as you implement.

12 Brilliant Marketing Topic Ideas

Private Online Portal & Community

We will supply to you all the worksheets, tools, resources to be successful in this program. You will also have a private portal for your notes, session recordings and resources. We will also have a community aspect within the portal (kinda like a Facebook group) for our group to form relationships, share wins, request advice and coaching between our sessions together.  

Let's make your marketing work smarter so you don't have to work harder!

You will leave this Accelerator understanding exactly how to create the clients to bring in the money you want to make. What if the marketing you're already doing was just 20% or 50% more effective, what that be worth to your business in revenue, in creating more joy and ease for you as the CEO?

You will walk away from this Accelerator with:

  1. An network & audience that's consistently growing - online and/or in-person, organic and/or paid
  2. A super-valuable freebie or lead magnet or personal interaction plan that's kicking-off profitable relationships with your audience and over-delivering value to them. 
  3. A habit and practice of consistent, frequent nurturing of all the relationships in your network to create trust, highlight your expertise and let your people know you can help them
  4. An endless supply of super-valuable content ideas you can use in all forms of communication from spoken to written
  5. At least one irresistible offer and the exact words and ways to communicate it to your best fit clients so that it feels great to offer, offers what your clients most want, and feels great for them to buy. 
Count me in!

Listen up...

over the course of 90 Days I will teach you how to create a repeatable, simple, focused marketing plan and walk by your side as you implement, to hold your accountable and help you iterate so that you can create the clients and the revenue you want over and over throughout 2023 and beyond.

I will teach you...

  • how to keep up with your marketing actions in the time you have.
  • how to get over the mind drama that keeps you (and your income) small.

We will accelerate your learning and implementation, distilling what I've learned over the last 17+ years of working in Marketing, supporting small businesses, and growing my own business to what I KNOW works now and has worked for the last two decades.

Your Coach...

Melissa Kellogg Lueck, MBA

Marketing + Business Coach for Women building purposeful + profitable businesses while having a life. 

My mission is to help women create financial freedom through entrepreneurship with great marketing strategy and the mindset of courage and confidence to go for it!

I founded my business 17+ years ago and have been working with small businesses and entrepreneurs since then to create great marketing strategy and build profitable, joyful businesses. I serve my clients through one-on-one and group coaching and teaching. I also have a top podcast for entrepreneurial women and am a sought-after speaker and writer passionate about helping as many women as possible to build and scale successful businesses. 

I've earned a Bachelor's degree in History and Political Science and an MBA in Marketing from Hofstra University in New York and founded numerous internet and technology companies before founding my current enterprise, Avanti Creative Group Inc in 2005. 

I live in Northern Colorado with my husband, 2 kiddos, and my goldendoodle Ginger. For fun, I'm a huge ice hockey fan (Go Colorado Avalanche!) and play hockey on an adult women’s hockey team called the Hot Flashes.

What my clients are saying...

Michelle H.

“I’ve been working with Melissa for a year and have enjoyed every moment. Besides being a great person, she is strategic and creative. I am seeing a great return on my investment in social, online and email marketing, and could not have pulled it off without Melissa!”

Sara L.

“It was a huge value to have access to an expert in her field, and to share ideas and business pains with other entrepreneurs. She delivered content and easily digestible and engaging formats, always stayed on time and tasks, and curated a great community. She listens to your struggles pain points and dreams and can filter out the excuses and help you see what is really going on and recommend a strong path forward. She's authentic, smart, kind, patient, and just an overall Rockstar both personally and professionally. I would highly recommend Melissa, her program, and this invaluable investment in your business.”

Michelle C.

“My business has grown so much over the last few years and I couldn't imagine making the transition from solopreneur/employee to CEO without the support and guidance I have received from coaching with Melissa. It can be really scary to invest in yourself and your business, but I am learning that it is well worth it. It has been a wild ride, but I am so excited to see where the next 5 years will take me and my business.”

Andrea B.

“I am keeping up with things and really enjoyed the content creation work. Generating ideas was painful at first. Thank you so much for breaking that up into manageable steps for me! That’s absolutely the key to anything but we rarely have a teacher as talented as you to coach us through that process and pull it out of overwhelm terriortory.”

Got Questions??

Let's do this! 

I know you want 2023 to be your year to stretch, grow, and up-level your Marketing and your income! So, get registered and together let's spend Q2 accelerating your marketing and growth!

Have some questions not addressed here? Or want to walk though what you're thinking and if this is the right next step for you? Let's talk! Click the button below to schedule a short Zoom call so you can make the best decision for you and your business. 

Want to talk about it? Book A Call!

The Investment

Pay in Full




Pay in Full

Monthly Payment Plan

$850 / 3 mths



Payment Plan